But what exactly constitutes ‘wellness’? Does wellness mean that we are fine specimens of physical health or does it go beyond the physical? Perhaps it is necessary to consider all facets of our body in order to determine whether we are truly ‘well’. Most people consider themselves to be well if they suffer no symptoms of serious illness or disease. They may be plagued by problems such as insomnia or headaches but nothing life threatening. Therefore they are relatively well. Or are they? We are inundated with advice about how to remain healthy. However, this can lead to an overload of information, leaving people buy chaga confused and often contributing to a general dissatisfaction with how people see themselves. It becomes easy to find fault with ones self when we get sick. We may blame ourselves for our illnesses because we may have been eating or drinking too much, not exercising, or allowing ourselves to become stressed.
After all, if we believe all that is portrayed in the media, we should all be able to achieve perfect health. When we consider the achievements made in modern medicine in recent decades, health issues which used to be fatal are often now treatable. Considering these accomplishments, it seems incredible that something as simple as the common cold remains an everyday problem. Looking into alternative treatments, the maze is even more difficult to negotiate. There is such an array of alternative therapies available, it is difficult to know which one is best for our individual needs. The viewpoint of conventional medicine and alternative medicine are completely different. Conventional medicine measures wellness by the absence of symptoms. If you show no physical signs of illness, then you are considered to be well. When illness is present, normally through external factors such as bacteria, the usual treatment is drugs or surgery. Alternative medicine, or holistic medicine, on the other hand, concentrates on the entire body. The person, as considered in holistic medicine, consists of body, mind, emotions, and spirit. The concept of wellness in holistic medicine is the condition that arises when all of these aspects of self are working efficiently and in harmony.
Holistic therapies are as preventative as they are curative. They not only boost our system when needed but can also be used to maintain good health. In conventional medicine, it seems that maintaining our health is seen as having only one set of rules for everyone. However, in holistic medicine, each person is seen as an individual whose needs for health maintenance are something that the person chooses for him or her self. It is simply a case of finding a balanced lifestyle to fit within our own limitations. It is common to both strands of medicine, however, that there are three main aspects to the pursuit and maintenance of good health. These are: 1. Diet, 2. Exercise, and 3. Relaxation Diet Diet is obviously a very important constituent of wellness. The results of too much alcohol consumption and a failure to follow a nutritious diet are well documented. The incidence of morbid obesity continues to grow and this leads to a variety of other problems related to the general concept of wellness. There may be a number of reasons that people fail to eat a balanced diet. These reasons may be physical, psychological, or even economic. Emotional problems may lead to comfort eating or to overeating or undereating. There are also illnesses such as anorexia and bulimia that affect the way a person eats and the resultant lack of wellness that the person experiences. Exercise Exercise is another important component of wellness. It our bodies are not kept in good working order through physical exercise, they deteriorate. A fit body not only leaves you feeling physically well but also improves the psychological and emotional health. Studies in the late 1970s found that exercise can be as successful as therapy in the treatment of depression. Holistic therapy considers that there can be a blockage or imbalance in the energy flow and that exercise rebalances that energy, leaving the person feeling calm and revitalized. The exercises that originate in the East, such as tai chi and yoga